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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM-(ASSET MANAGER SYSTEM) Component & Contents Introduction 3 1. Asset Manager 3 I. Asset Registration 3 II. Asset Tagging 4 III. Asset Assignment 4 IV. Asset Transfer 5 V. Asset Repair/Maintenance 5 VI. Asset Depreciation 6 VII. Asset Disposal 6 2. Configurations 7 I. Asset Category 7 II. Asset Type 7 III.…
Component & Contents
Managing IT-(Information Technology) assets can be tiresome and time-consuming. With the fast-growing world in the digital and information age, every organization, institution, and every business is striving to have digital tools which make work easier hence increasing the productivity and efficiency of the human resource.
This brings a dire need to keep the records of such valuable assets and equipment for accurate and reliable auditing, improving on the integrity, productivity, and trustworthiness of the processes and service delivery.
Asset Manager Software application is a computer application that helps any institution or company to manage the information of the assets for the entire lifetime of that asset. The Asset manager reduces the manual work of asset recording and management. The system helps in administering and managing the assets as described in the following sections.
This is the very first section/module of the system after configurations which asset managers need to interact with.
Once the asset has been procured by the purchase/procurement and delivered to them, they will hand it over to the right department where the asset manager needs to record the data in the Asset Manager software. In this module the asset manager, the user, will capture the following items of the asset;
Asset name
Asset code- in which case is the serial number
Asset category
Asset type
Date of purchase
Purchase price
Name of the supplier
Asset current status-active for assigning
This is a very important part of the asset management process. Every organization has a unique way in which they identify their asset. Once the asset has been recorded in the asset register; it has to be tagged ready for assignment. At this stage, the asset manager, the user, can assign the asset a unique code/tag number or allow the asset manager to do it automatically, using the unique way which has been predefined. This module captures the following fields;
Asset name- automatically picked on user selection
Asset serial/code-automatically picked from the register on user selection
Tag code/number-user defined or system generated
Tag date- when the tag number was recorded
Asset is in the register, it has been tagged now it needs to be given out to do the work for which it was meant for. It is in this module where the asset manager, the user, will keep the record of who or where the asset is. In this module there are two sections, the asset can be assigned to an employee or a branch/department in which case the fields captured include;
Asset system serial code-this is unique code generated by the back end DB in the asset register
Employee or branch/department assigned
Date assigned
The asset now is in use, the asset manager can just check from the Asset manager system and know exactly where the asset is, easy tracking.
Assets assigned to an employee or a branch/department are not theirs permanently. The employee may resign, be dismissed, or upgrade, in this case, the asset manager can reassign the asset to another employee or branch. The Asset manager system allows the organization to manage the transfer of the assets from one entity to another making it easier to track the current location of the assets.
In this module, there are the following types/forms of asset transfers which can be recorded;
Employee to Employee
Employee to branch/department
Branch/department to branch/department
Branch/department to employee
The system tracks the transfers with the entity unique codes
Asset are fragile equipment with a regular human contact and usage, they are prone to breakage or malfunctions. In this case, the asset requires regular maintenance and or repair when not working properly. The company needs to keep such records as to what happened to the asset, how much did it cost to repair it and when did this happen. Asset manager system comes in handy in ensuring that these records are kept and can easily be retrieved, at the end of it all, the management can analyze and see the cost of maintaining a given asset. This module captures the following fields;
Asset system code-system generated code at the register
Issue summary-what is the issue with the asset which needs a repair or maintenance
Supplier/service provider-who did the repair or the maintenance service
Cost- how much was the service offered on the asset
Date of the service/repair-when was the service/repair done
Description – the detailed definition of what repair/service done
Old is gone and time waits for no man, with time, assets will reduce in their value as they are being put into use. The tire and ware caused with time make the value of the asset to reduce, and depreciate. Every organization would want to know the value of the asset at the end of every financial year or before the asset is disposed of. The asset manager system helps the company to generate the asset book value as at the time chosen. The system uses what the depreciation method selected by the user to determine the book value of the asset. Asset manager system provides the choice of the following depreciation methods;
Straight line depreciation method
Declining balance depreciation method
Sum of the year’s digits depreciation method
Units of production depreciation method
According to the company policy, the asset manager, the user, can choose the right method for which depreciation is calculated.
For one reason or another, the asset may not be needed by the company; a need to give away the asset comes in handy at this time of the asset life cycle. The company would not just want to dispose of the asset without keeping the records of the asset disposed like the date of disposal, the reason why it was disposed of, to whom it was disposed and at what cost was the asset disposed. Asset manager system got the company covered in ensuring that this information is captured and stored for future retrieval and auditing purposes. A lost asset could as well be recorded as a disposed asset to thieves at zero cost and of course, this becomes a big loss to the company.
For every asset, there must be a wide class to which the asset belongs. This should be the asset category configured before any information on the asset is registered. The category as defined in the asset manager system is a wide class of the asset for example, Computers under which we can have other subcategories in this case asset type as laptops and desktops. The field captured in the system under category includes;
Category code-a unique string which identifies the asset category
Category name-what the category is called
Description- definition or any additional information of the asset
Asset belongs to a subcategory class called asset type. Asset type defines this sub-class to which the asset belongs. In this module, the system captures the following fields;
Asset type code-the unique code of the asset type subclass
Asset type name-what the type is called or defined
Type category- the category main class for which the asset type belongs
The asset register in the system can be assigned to a department or a branch as may be defined in the company policy. This is the location where the asset is located or assigned. The branch or department information can be configured or recorded in the asset manager system under branch or department module. It is this module that captures the detailed information of the branch for which the asset will be allocated. This module captures the following field information of the branch;
Branch/department code – unique identify of the branch
Name- how the branch is identified or called
Description – a brief definition of the branch, could be geographical location, date of creation or opening
Where was the asset purchased and or where was the asset maintained or repaired? This information is very important for asset management. We need to keep the records of 2nd and 3rd party services and asset suppliers. Asset manager system allows capturing these data which are needed when storing the asset in the registered. Under this module, the following fields are captured;
Supplier code- the unique identity of the supplier
Name- what is the registered name of the supplier company
Contact- how can you reach your supplier and or where can you find them
The data or the information captured by the system needs to be stored for future retrieval. It therefore means that we need storage for this data. Database management module in the asset manager system allows you to configure the connection with the database, in this case, MySQL database. Under this module, the user can key in the name of the database, the username, the database server, and the password for which the asset manager system will communicate with the database.
All the configurations need to be done and set before starting asset registration.
The asset must be assigned to individuals to work with it. This is the module within the asset manager system that allows for adding the employee who will be using and taking care of the asset. In this module the asset manager user will capture the following data of the employee;
Employee code- the unique employment code for the employee given by the HR
Employee name- the name identity of the employee
Branch or department- the branch or department where the employee is working
Employee gender- sexual identity of the employee for which the employee identifies with.
Contact- how to reach out to the employee, physical or phone/ mobile contact
Asset manager system needs authorization and authentication for one to get access. It is at this module where the asset manager system admin will give rights to the system manager. In the asset manage application; there are two roles, admin and manager roles. Admin has the over roll authorizations; he can access everything in the system however the manager can only access the asset manager module. The system has a provision for keying the username, password which must be confirmed, role, and the status, either active or inactive. The log-on user can change the password at their convenience.
Configurations done, register done and all the needed information recorded. It is in this module that you can get a printable view of any information you may need from the system which has been recorded. The module can be customized as may be needed, Asset manager system got the data.
This report displays the asset information summary. You can select any asset you wish to get the information and view them in a more detailed and printable format.
Where is the asset and who is having the asset? This report module gives a printable form of this information and you can view and print it as the need may arise.
Asset movement is very important; the asset has been transferred from one source to the other. This report can give you this information in printable format as you may need.
The repair information report is displayed in this module. You can view for the whole assets as well as for a single asset as the need may arise.
Technology has evolved greatly with every company trying to move with the pace of digital transformation. The digital process makes productivity enhanced and operations are made more optimized and efficient. The digital tools used for operations, services, and products need to be taken care of, well maintained, and recorded well, Asset manager system comes in handy to help do exactly this.
The asset manager system development team has in mind that there are companies, organization, and institutions which has limited resource and would want to maximize their use. In this regard, the Asset Manager system has MySQL database has the back-end database, and is free. In addition, there is a desktop application for those who cannot afford network connectivity and a web-based application that can be accessed through a browser with self-server configuration done or a Tomcat web server in Xammp for free, we have ensured that the cost is indeed cut.
Finally Asset manager system is configured and set up at a fixed cost of KES: 50,000 negotiable. In case of a disaster, we can help reconfigure the latest version at a fee that will be determined by the parties involved. Asset manager system has a backup feature, the data is not lost, we got you covered.
Improve your asset management process today with our reliable and user-friendly Asset Manager System. Take control of your assets, enhance productivity, and optimize your operations. Get in touch with us now to schedule a personalized demonstration.
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